Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My race car

My race car has been through many editions, firtsly its a ke70 corolla, my favourite car for many reasons. Its my 4th ke70 and my 5th rear wheel drive 80s toyota. I love the 80s nature, the tan paint, the square shape, the snappy steering and slideable nature. Its me through and through and anyone who knows me knows this.

Its kept me sane for a long time, as I have ADHD I find it very easy to fritter off in a million directions and be destracted by thousands of things. Through this my rolla has always kept me grounded, given me something to look forward to, a reason to save money, taught me how to set goals and reach them, allowed me to meet hundreds of decent people most ill call friends. Its taught me to be a safe driver, its given me the ability to maintain my own cars and save thousands of dollars over a lifetime.

Part of ADHD is perfect for creating race cars. People have misconseptions about the thing, they thinks its the kid having a tantrum at the shops wanting attention, but thats not ADHD, ADHD is not being able to give people attention, always being lost in your own little world, having no perception of time. I have full conversations with people that are indepth and knowledgable on both sides, and literally seconds after the conversation will never consciously remember what was exchanged. I can wake up in the morning the day of an exam and freak out because I havnt studied, only to remember I only went to be 15 minutes earlier after an all nighter. Its a wierd thing, but I wouldnt have it any other way.

One thing ADHD does, is lock the brain into one side for an, hour, a day, maybe even a week, it takes away the ability to swap and change between either side of the brain as quickly as one would normally. Why do I love this?

One side of the brain controls artsy stuff, creativity, colours, imagination, design, inventing and so on. The other side is planning, time, maths, all the lock it in eddy type stuff. By not being able to access the other side of the brain as much as it would like, the brain creates fixes, so in the right side of the brain, it does things to work like the left, the left side does things to make it more like the right. This is great fun. For an example look at this post, I planned to talk about my race car and im telling you the wonders of ADHD.

The reason this is great for working on cars, is because for a whole week I can be very creative, design things that other people might'n think about, design things from completely different perspectives, find ways to make things that shouldnt work, work.

The flip side of this, is that post to this design work, I can be locked into a week of math like precision and planing etc. It makes me save every dollar, it makes me work on my car for nights on end, ive woken up under my car soaking wet in the rain at 4:30am wondering how that happened, with a sump literally touching my nose. I couldnt even remember how long I had worked on my car for prior to that or even what I was working on.

It sucks in day to day life, it makes having a gf troublesome, lucky for me my latest companion is awesome and understands that although im nodding, responding, looking her in the eyes, im not listening to her list of reasons why a ghd is a logical purchase, or am I?, I dont know.

Back to my car, ill try to keep the build updated on here more reguarly.

This is how I bought it, as can be seen it was raised in green pastures in a place called gnome, outside of townsville. I bought it from a lad named Clive, he was a good egg, he even bought a new battery for it out of his own pocket so it could be driven onto the car carrier for me, which I only found out from a note left in the glove box from him, telling me of the memories he had, and asking if I could please look after it.
I did look after to it to a certain extent. As much as you can while your doing this...
Here is a video of her in action, been a while since its done anything like that...

I basically put a bigport 4age in it, a t series with trd 2 way, bolt in cage, some suspension of sorts and had a great time on various tracks and street outings. Things got a bit boring when the 100kw just wasnt enough. I found myself yearning to select 4th gear and maintain wheelspin.
For these reasons I decided to buy this.This being a 275hp toyota 3sgte (gen3) motor. The main design process in mind being, make it handle, make it reliable, pull 4th. Then, and only then, drive home.
This build has taken me over a year so far, and as such is not even finished as I type this, but It shall be in the comming weeks as I am on university holidays and have time to work on it, money, well thats a different story.
Here are some pictures from recent doings, basically having to make a roll cage, fit fuel cells, mount seats, move the motor back towards the cab by remodelling the firewall to improve handling, fitting a different gearbox, strong diff and much better suspension. Im aiming for 300hp, the biggest part of this 300hp I want to perfect is the driveability, which is why I have opted to keep the standard intercooler and turbo setup, this will maintain steady predictable linear torque in large numbers, reliability etc. This is the reasoning for raising the bonnet etc. After these pictures updates will be discussed individually when they occur.

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I agree Beally