Tuesday, January 5, 2010

old people should be seen but not smelt.

After all the usual holiday shopping hi-jinks ive completed, ive come to the conclusion that I do really hate anyone middle aged, or old. Theres a bracket between say 45 and 60 where they go awesome again though. Middle age people are assholes, you walk around, they always just act like they are the only ones in the world. Walk out of shops with an empty pram and just go 2k's an hour right in front of you. Only to stop like 5 meters later to check that they arnt missing one of their illegitimate children, their laziness also sickens me.

Anyone over the age of 80 should be thankful they are even alive and dont pester the youth. Just because you CAN get out and about in public doesn't mean you should. I dont want to think about partially rotting flesh while I eat my wendies. Some say thats closed minded of me, but the problem isnt the quality of old people, its the quantity, what ever happened to good old plagues. Any day over 65 for me and ill be thankful and do what I can for the next generations.

Which is another thing that annoys me, is people who are in hostpitals over the age of 75, your times up, get over it. Some things about modern medicine arnt about the saving of lives at all. It makes me angry.

The end.


  1. I strongly disagree. The thing about 'kids these days' is that we don't wait a minute to think that the older generations know a hell of a lot ABOUT a hell of a lot that we don't. And I believe my clean living, intelligent 80 year old Grandad who still gives back to his family and community to be more deserving of a hospital bed than a 20 year old student who gets wasted and decides to drive home from a party and crashes his commo into a tree. Or pack a day smokers with lung cancer. -Gen

  2. that goes without saying gen. I spent time in a hostpital recently for most of the day in what was basically the heart condition ward. Heart conditions are basically people who smoke way too much, eat way too much crap, or a genetically predisposed to the condition. Every single person there was old, all of them still smoked, all of them were sending their children to get them food ect. Your grandad sounds like a top bloke and I would give him all the help he wanted. I never meant to say young people are more deserving. I meant to say old people cant have a "cure all" for a lifetime of poor decisions.


I agree Beally