Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Some creatures deserve more respect.

Firstly, yonks since ive updated this page, big woop wanna fight about it.
Anyhoo something thats been annoying me lately is how some people react to some animals,
the stigma that some animals hold for no real reason. Im a big fan of things that a furry and small.
I have had every pet you can imagine from ferrets, miniature goats, rats, dogs, lizards of all kinds, various aquariums, even raised wild animals of various sorts from legless lizards to a murry river short neck turtle.

One thing that annoys me in particular is the humble rat.

Heres a pic of my little friends kirby and bowser;

Every person except for a handful think that rats are diseased, viscious, dirty and smelly.
I cant even begin to get through to people the contrary. Firstly the diseased issue arose
from the black plague, what people dont realise is that dogs and cats etc also spread the disease,
it was a disease carried on a flea, that was found on many animals. The poor rant took the brunt of this depiction.

Something to consider on this wavelength is the sheer number of lives that have been saved by rats. The amount of disease cured and wonders of modern medicine have all been at one stage or another tested and aided by the use of rats. I dont think anyone has ever thanked them for this.

Secondly, rats frequently suffer conditions associated from 'over grooming', not only are rats passionately clean, sometimes their drive to clean themselves can be detremental to themselves.

Thirdly, my rats (ive had over 15 all types male and female, desexed non desexed, raised wild rats etc) have never stunk. Even when I am away for a weekend or something and havn't been able to clean the cage for over a week it still doesn't smell. Mice stink, ive had mice, they make me gag, but rats dont. They are awesome.

One last thing, is the sheer personality and nature of these little creatures. They are so peaceful, relaxing and wise, they never bite or get angry, they like to snuggle, they are outrageously intelligent, and im not sure if I could ever live without at least one little friend.

I think if your ever in a discussion about rats, you owe it to them for all they have done and the little bad they have ever caused, to change peoples opinions. They are as good if not better than any cat or dog ive known or had, and its a shame they dont get the recognition they deserve.

1 comment:

I agree Beally